Updating your closet & defining your style...while remaining a conscious consumer! Part 1
Over the next few weeks Tipsy Palm Talks is going to share a few ways to become a more conscious consumer for 2022! While our series will be focused on the fashion industry, these ideas and concepts can be adapted too many other areas of our lives, helping make change in all areas where it is needed.
Today we start with a Closet Audit!
🕑🎶You will need a great playlist and a few hours set aside to complete your closet audit! You will take the time to look at each piece, too think about the fit, the style and its condition. Answering these questions will help you create 4 distinct piles - Keep/Store - Sell/Swap/Donate - Clean/Mend/Alter - Maybe??
Pull EVERYTHING out of your closet and dump it on your bed, creating piles according to grouping -tops, bottoms, etc. Choose a group,(I like to start with bottoms!), and take a look at each piece. There will be some obvious KEEP & DONATE pieces, but those that you are unsure of try on! Look at the fit, colour and styling options. If you are unsure tuck it into that MAYBE pile!
Once you have waded through the heap on your bed, it's time to take your KEEP pile and organize it back into your closet. I like to organize my closet by tops, bottoms, dresses, ect. Within those sections, I organize by colour and pattern. You may want to organize your closet strictly by colour, by outfit groupings or by how often its worn, you will know what works for you!
Now to enjoy your beautifully organized and loved wardrobe...but what to do with the rest of the piles! Next week we will address that MAYBE pile, how to shop your own closet and where to get inspiration for outfit creating!
For the love of vintage,
A few shots from my most recent Closet Audit! The bed is piled high!
Bottoms Up! I like to start with my pants, skirts and jeans so when I come to my tops they are fresh in my mind and I can quickly remember outfit pairings!
The keep, mend & donate piles have begun!
and cant forget the Maybe? pile!
I also like to organize my closet as I go. It doesn't feel as overwhelming and you it is so rewarding to chip away at the pile and see the progress!
Next comes tops,
then blazers & cardigans,
and last but not least dresses. I store my spring/summer clothes and occasional pieces in my spare room, so for winter this section is a bit smaller!
The Mend/Alter and Donate/Sell piles have definitely grown!
and probably to many ended up in the Maybe pile! (Next week!!!)
But here we are with a beautifully organized, colour blocked closet that will make getting ready and outfit creating a joy!